Nonprofit Accounting Basics: Financial Statements

Within both levels, information is given indicating the income and expenses of the nonprofit. Income sources can consist of things like grants, donations, and investment income. Expenses can include things like salaries, office expenses, and program expenses. Looking...

What is a petty cash voucher?

This is possible by providing proof of donation made by the tax payer. This is where Donation receipts come in.This Donation Receipt PDF template is a document which a non-governmental organization may use for providing receipts to donors for the donations they made....

Postdated Check Lawyers

To instruct the bank not to issue the funds early, both state and federal banking laws normally require that you give the bank «reasonable» notice of the postdating. Federal law does not provide a minimum time period within which you must notify the bank. Though you...

Time Value Of Money

Some formulas use payment (PMT) to indicate the dollar amount used in the formula. In this formula, FV is the future value of money, PV is the present value of money, and i is the interest rate. At the end of their contract (termination of employment) they should be...

Cost of Debt: What It Means and Formulas

When this is the case, it can make sense to take on a larger amount of debt to fund business activities, since it is so cheap to do so. The after-tax cost of debt is also useful information for investors, which can use it to estimate a firm’s cost of capital. When the...